As part of our offer of cultural experiences, the Municipality of Vila Franca has developed “Walking through History”. Three of these walks refer to the 3rd French Invasion.

The first circuit is the “Fort Casa Circuit”. This includes a visit to the Heritage and Visitors’ Centre, fort nº 38 and fort nº 39.

The second circuit is Subserra, which includes the Observatory / Monument to the Lines of Torres Vedras, the first Subserra fort (nº 114), the New Subserra Battery (nº 114A) and Quinta da Subserra.

We also have a walk entitled: “The City of Vila Franca at the time of the French Invasions”. This route visits places that were the setting for events during the 3rd French Invasion, in the parish of Vila Franca.

Target publicGeneral public
+ infoE: museumunicipal@cm-vfxira.pt | T: +351 263 280 350
Number of participantsmin. 10 e max. 25
11Passeios com História

– Fort Casa Circuit – Mid-April
– Subserra Circuit – Mid-May
– The City of Vila Franca at the time of the French Invasions – September

– Fort Casa – Heritage and Visitors’ Centre
– Subserra Circuit – Monument to the Lines of Torres
– The City of Vila Franca at the time of the French Invasions – Fábrica das Palavras, next to the riverside path