As one of the series of trails that the Municipal Museum of Vila Franca de Xira offers, this route aims to help the visitor find out the history and something of the heritage of the municipality of Vila Franca de Xira as regards the Lines de Torres Vedras. The journey along this route includes 3 visiting points: Fort Casa Lines of Torres Vedras Heritage and Visitors’ Centre, which includes the named fort; the Monument of the Lines of Torres Vedras; finally, the Forts of Serra da Aguieira. Through this route it is possible to show the importance of the Lines of Torres Vedras, as well as making visitors aware of the conservation of these landmarks as parts of our cultural and historical heritage.
Itinerary: Fort Casa Lines of Torres Vedras Heritage and Visitors’ Centre – Monument to the Lines of Torres Vedras – the Forts of Aguieira (Aguieira, Portela Pequena and Portela Grande).